Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana
Knock knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange Who? Orange you glad there's a cocktail with both orange and banana in it? If you're looking for a mix of sophisticated cocktails and tiki
The Figgy Sailor
The Figgy Sailor draws its inspiration from the vibrant and diverse flavors of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. Celebrating the two region’s rich cultures and shared love of
Diplomatico Reserva
An older bottling from Diplomatico, a somewhat similar expression would be the Mantuano. Faint on the nose, where this rum shines is on the palate.
Drunken Hive Rum
This “rum” is actually made on Vancouver Island completely from honey! Needless to say, there’s an abundance of nectarous honeyed notes as well as overripe tropical fruits, c
Flor de Caña 4 Year Extra Seco
If you like mojitos, daiquiris, or are a vodka drinker looking to transition to rum, this is the rum for you.
Don Papa Rum
If you possess a sweet tooth, this may be the rum for you.
Appleton 8 Year Reserve
From 'cane to cocktail' Appleton Estates has an innate ability to control their production processes from beginning to end which is perhaps why the brand has carved out a distincti
Netflix & Chill
Here at Flavor Camp we often run 'Sip & Snack' Challenges. Think of this like the ultimate sip and snack in cocktail form.
Don’t Call Jo
Inspired by the story of Adam & Eve eating the forbidden apple, Don't Call Jo is named after Jophiel, which was the name of the angel that was called to expel these two from heaven
Two Bucks Back
A tale of two bucks... well three if you think about it. This 'buck' style cocktail features a buck-wheat tea syrup and two chocolate dollars for garnish. If you're a fan of Moscow