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An Unseasonably Warm Christmas

Do you even nog? 🥚
While it may not be Christmas quite yet, that’s not going to stop you from enjoying a seasonal, yet summer appropriate cocktail featuring a whole egg to add texture and froth.

Recipe: Ben Townsend (Toronto, Ontario)
Photo: Reece Sims

This cocktail is one of the Flavor Camp Rum Cocktail Challenge 2024 Finalist Cocktails

Cocktail Flavor Camps

The inspiration behind this cocktail, as explained by Ben Townsend, home bartender from Toronto, Ontario, “I don’t care that it’s August, I’m serving you a Christmas cocktail. This flip is inspired by the nostalgia of visiting my family for the holidays, drinking rum and eggnogs with my dad and brother, and if the mood strikes, having some bananas foster for an impromptu dessert. The two rums complement each other perfectly—spiced rum adds vanilla notes and a depth of flavour, while Jamaican rum balances the sweetness, and adds that subtle burn we all know and love. Be sure to use a rum-based Crème de Banane, as it adds a more natural and balanced banana flavour.”

An Unseasonably Warm Christmas

Recipe by Ben Townsend (Toronto, Ontario)Difficulty: Moderate

Flavor Camps: Rich, Sweet, Fruity


  • 1 part Crème de Banane

  • 0.75 parts Spiced Rum

  • 0.75 parts Jamaican Rum

  • 3 dashes Walnut bitters

  • 4 drops Saline solution

  • 1 Egg (white and yolk)

  • Garnish: Cinnamon & Nutmeg, Brûléed Banana


  • Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker.
  • Dry shake, then add ice and shake again.
  • Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
  • Garnish with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • For the banana garnish, cut a diagonal slice from a peeled banana, sprinkle with white sugar, and use a culinary torch to caramelize the sugar. Secure the brûléed banana slice with a pick and place it on top of the coupe glass.


  • This cocktail is one of the top 4 finalists in the Flavor Camp Rum Cocktail Challenge - August 2024
  • For saline solution, three parts water, one part kosher salt.

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